Big changes start with small molecules

At PolarisQB, we envision a future of rapid breakthroughs in drug and molecular design

While modern medicine has made tremendous progress in mapping out the many diseases known to scientists today, finding cures for these diseases is still an extremely long and expensive undertaking.

That’s what led us to embark on our journey.

To create something new, we are shattering old conventions and barriers

We all know that we cannot continue doing things the same way and expect different results. As we set out to change the industry’s trajectory, we asked ourselves what boundaries, limitations, processes, and conventions we could break to enable better and faster drug discovery.

To do that, we have assembled a team with a unique combination of expertise across multiple disciplines—biology, chemistry, physics, machine learning, and computer science—to change the way new drugs are developed.

Drug Design:

A new frontier for breakthrough medicine

While any improvement is progress, we see an opportunity for capitalizing on new technologies to usher innovations that are leap and bounds ahead of current drug discovery efforts.

Harnessing quantum computing technology available today, we enable drug design teams to explore a molecular space of 1030—vastly exceeding conventional methods by many orders of magnitude. Our technology allows computational chemists to perform rapid, single-pass optimizations of target properties, cutting down discovery and optimization processes by months or even years.

These new technologies hold life-changing potential and promise: make drug blueprints to treat all known diseases available faster and affordable for all.

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Can quantum computing help you find your next star molecule?