Quantum-powered joint drug development

(Your biologists + our chemists) x QuADD platform = Breakthroughs

Let’s tackle your toughest protein targets

Our quantum-aided solutions can be used to design a broad range of drug molecules, targeting PPI, trans-membranal, GPCRs, metallo-proteins, kinases, and any other protein targets.

When your scientists identify a new drug target, our chemistry team is ready to join forces and harness our QuADD technology to uncover the best candidate molecules.

We can optimize for your objectives, all at the same time

Working with your team, we will harness our QuADD technology to identify high-quality candidates that are optimized for drug-likeness, synthetic accessibility, BBB permeability, and other properties defined by your team.

Together, we can push the boundaries of drug discovery

Explore a chemical universe out of reach by conventional technologies, using a de novo combinatorial space or your choice of an on-demand chemical space as your starting point.

Apply your preferred discovery strategy


Prioritizing similarity to template structure


Prioritizing novelty


Targeting your preferred rapid synthesis libraries


Hold certain fragments constant while varying others

Customer Testimonial

“This partnership represents the ultimate ambition for any collaboration between biology and technology, where the full diversity of newly identified druggable disease targets generated by biological PROTEINi shape-libraries can now be married to the most logical and rapid method of finding small-molecule drugs to them.”
Chris Torrance, CEO, Phoremost

Can quantum computing help you find your next star molecule?