Elevate your research with quantum technology

Quantum-Aided Drug Design: Deliver better and faster results
Our QuADD (Quantum-Aided Drug Design) solutions make it possible for computational chemistry teams to explore vast chemical spaces and optimize drug candidates in a fraction of the time required by conventional methods and tools.
Leapfrog AI limitations
Differentiate your CRO from the competition by leveraging quantum computing to surpass the limitations of AI in drug discovery:
No Dependency on Training Data
While many CROs rely on AI constrained by training data, our quantum-aided solutions can address any protein target with a known 3D structure, including novel and less studied ones, without needing extensive data sets.
Enhanced Exploration of Chemical Space
Our QuADD solutions harness quantum computing to explore the most extensive chemical space that can be reached today, uncovering unique and diverse molecules that AI might miss and positioning your CRO at the forefront of discovery.
Explainable and Trustworthy Results
Unlike the black-box outcomes typical of AI, our quantum-aided solutions are based on physics-based models, providing highly explainable results that ensure confidence and trust in your outcomes.

Uncover novel and diverse molecules
All of our solutions integrate seamlessly into your existing discovery process, allowing your team to direct the search process towards the specific objectives of any client.
- Best-In-Class Mode selects fragments based on the reference ligand, allowing you to explore similar binding options while ensuring a diverse result set.
- First-In-Class Mode selects fragments based on both the reference ligand and the protein pocket, prioritizing the exploration of new binding options.
- Preferred-Library Mode allows you to limit your search to your choice of commercial libraries for targeted and efficient molecule discovery.
- Scaffold-Hopping Mode allows you to hold certain fragments constant while varying others throughout the search and optimization process.
Supercharge your drug design pipeline with quantum computing power
What our customers are saying
“Our collaboration with PolarisQB led to rapid identification of viable drug candidates, significantly accelerating our research timeline towards quality solutions for hard to tackle or neglected diseases affecting women’s health.”
“Using quantum computing and advanced AI technology with PolarisQB, we explored a chemical space that was previously undefined, leading to the discovery of novel molecules for our primary program of Optimizing the Aging and Longevity Molecular Process much faster than expected.”
“This partnership represents the ultimate ambition for collaboration between biology and technology, where the full diversity of newly identified disease targets can be married to the most logical and rapid method of finding small molecule drugs.”