Tag Archives: QuADD

QuADD Webinar: Find Your Star Molecule
On Friday, May 17, POLARISqb hosted a group of thought leaders from quantum, pharmaceutical, and other molecular research institutions to demo our Quantum-Aided Drug Design platform. This platform allows researchers to search a chemical space of over 1030  potential molecules for candidates that satisfy a number of desired drug-like characteristics identified by molecular research teams.…
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POLARISqb Receives DARPA IMPAQT Funding to Advance Quantum Computing for Drug Design
The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) awarded POLARISqb a research contract in support of their work designing drugs with quantum computers. The contract is a part of the Advanced Research Concept topic Imagining Practical Applications for a Quantum Tomorrow (IMPAQT). POLARISqb has been developing quantum computing methods for drug discovery since their inception in…
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POLARISqb Announces Quantum SaaS: Quantum Aided Drug Design (QuADD)
POLARISqb, an industry leader in accelerating drug discovery using quantum computing, is excited to announce Quantum-Aided Drug Design (QuADD). QuADD is a subscription-based SaaS platform that quickly identifies a library of top candidate molecules for drug targets. In order to find a new preclinical lead, the first step is to build a library of small…
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