Tag Archives: Biopharma

PM 360 Recognizes POLARISqb as a 2020 Innovative Startup

PM 360 is one of the leading magazines in the pharmaceutical marketing world, with an audience of marketing decision makers in the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device industries. Published monthly, the magazine focuses on leadership as well as, "issues that directly impact critical decision making,including: planning and implementation of cutting edge strategies, trends, the latest technological advances," in their writing.

This year, POLARISqb was honored to be one of eight companies that were named "Innovative Startups" by the magazine, along with EvozyneSteady ShotImmunAIExocelwePoolConversation Health and Theraneutrics. These companies are working with some of the most advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and synthetic biotech to address medical issues from diabetes to COVID-19, but POLARISqb stands alone as the sole quantum application selected to the list. Having developed a quantum application for designing drugs, we continue to pursue a vastly greater understanding of our chemical universe, identifying molecules that will become treatments and cures for all diseases for all people. Advancements in quantum computers technology continue to speed our work towards a quantum-based platform that provides chemical simulations at many times the speed of current traditional systems.

We are proud to be recognized for our work and innovation in drug discovery for biopharma applications by one of the leading publications on pharmaceutical marketing, a list that has in the past included companies such as H1 who went on to raise over $71M in capital funding and OM1 who raised over $86M, and Sema4 which raised over $240M. POLARISqb looks to be the next in their line of success, and the first quantum alumni of the list to revolutionize the world of biotech and pharmaceuticals.

Innovations in BioPharma Book
The PolarisQB logo over an image of a hand holding a molecule.Quantum computing is changing the world, and carries with it potential to revolutionize many industries; from finance, to logistics, to our ability to fight infectious disease. While the promise of this technology is tremendous, currently it faces challenges of scalability and applicability that make it both difficult to implement and commercially unviable. This is where Polarisqb  stands apart in the world of quantum drug discovery, bringing market-ready methods that utilize quantum-inspired computing to accelerate the identification of potential molecular assets by up to 90%.  This technology can narrow the potential field of candidate molecules from billions to dozens in about the same amount of time that it takes to complete a traditional internet search.
In partnership with Fujitsu Global, we have used the Digital Annealer, a groundbreaking, quantum-inspired technology, to optimize single or multiple objective searches. The Digital Annealer uses heuristic approaches, rather than brute force, to efficiently search very large chemical spaces with unparalleled speed.  As a case study, Polarisqb set the objective of  identifying potential candidates to treat Dengue Fever, a mosquito borne viral disease that threatens up to 40% of the world population with potentially deadly complications. There is no cure for Dengue Fever, and the current vaccine is effective only for people previously infected, as it may increase risks of severe infections to healthy patients. Polarisqb engineers and chemists targeted the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase protein in the Dengue virus and developed a chemical library of over 1 billion molecules. Once this chemical library was constructed, we used the Digital Annealer to identify 977 potential drug candidates from the over billion molecules in the library. We filter out molecules with un-drug-like properties using AI/ML-based algorithms and accurately calculate binding affinity using QM/MM. This process of rapid combinatorial enumeration and the use of more accurate calculations to scan massive libraries has the potential to identify cures to many diseases that are currently untreatable in a fraction of the time and resources required for the traditional drug discovery process.Polarisqb is at the cutting edge of the world of drug discovery, slashing timeframes and costs of discovery processes multiple times over. As we continue to grow, the potential applications for this technology will change the world by developing treatments for previously incurable diseases and pandemics, revolutionizing drug discovery with quantum solutions never before used in the biopharmaceutical industry.